
PBSummit Podcast Julie Hedlund and Katie Davis

Podcast – Books with Great Voice Part 1

Julie Hedlund and Katie Davis Podcast

In working with authors, one thing comes up again and again is how to develop “voice.” How do you find your characters’ voice? Is your story’s voice the same as the character voice? And, how do you find your own voice as an author?

As you can see, voice is tough to define and even tougher to capture, so we’re bringing you excerpts from a Mini Summit we gave about books with great voice. This is part 1 of a four-part series. We start with Co-Founder Julie Hedlund defining the types of voices found in picture books and jump to funny girl and Co-Founder Katie Davis for thoughts and examples on using a funny voice.


Books mentioned in this episode:

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PBSummit Podcast Rob Sanders

Podcast – Rob Sanders

Rob Sanders

Grab a big piece of paper and some brightly colored markers because today we are mind-mapping our way to great picture book ideas! Listen in to excerpts from our Summit workshop with author and educator Rob Sanders. Rob will reveal how mind mapping can lead to both story ideas and ways to present stories that engage readers.

Rob Sanders is known for his funny and fierce fiction and nonfiction picture books and is recognized as one of the pioneers in the arena of LGBTQ+ literary nonfiction picture books. Rob’s books include Two Grooms on A Cake: The Story of America’s First Gay Wedding (Little Bee Books), Stitch By Stitch: Cleve Jones And The Aids Memorial Quilt (Magination Press), Mayor Pete: The Story of Pete Buttigieg (Henry Holt & Co), and Rodzilla (Margaret K. McElderry Books).

After this episode, you’ll be surprised at how much your past can help you write stories that engage with kids today.

Get ready to generate ideas that are uniquely you!


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PBSummit Podcast Yuyi Morales

Podcast – Yuyi Morales

Picture Book Summit Podcast_feature_image_Yuyi_Morales

In this episode of the Picture Book Summit podcast, we bring you Yuyi Morales. Yuyi is the author and illustrator of many books for children, including the New York Times bestseller Dreamers andNiño Wrestles the World. She is a six-time winner of the Pura Belpre Medal for an outstanding work of literature for children that best portrays, affirms, and celebrates the Latino cultural experience. In 2015, she received the Caldecott Honor for her book Viva Frida. Other honors include the Americas Award, the Golden Kite Medal, the Christopher Award, the Jane Adams Award, and the Tomas Rivera Award.

In her Picture Book Summit keynote, Yuyi shared how there’s an idea bank inside all of us and how we can use it to tell the stories only we can tell.

Get ready to be inspired!

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PBSummit Emma Walton Hamilton and Julie Hedlund

Podcast – Fine Tune Your Pitch

Emma Walton Hamilton and Julie Hedlund - Query Letters That WorkedIn this episode, children’s picture book authors Emma Walton Hamilton and Julie Hedlund give an overview of the four essential components of a query (introduction, pitch, bio and market info, and conclusion).

Then they dig deep into crafting the ever-elusive perfect pitch. Listen in for tips on creating a pitch that captures the story and spirit of your book and piques an agent or editor’s interest. If you’re in the querying trenches, this one’s for you!



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Podcast – 4 Big Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 4


It’s our last episode of our series the 4 Biggest Reasons Your Manuscripts Get Rejected!

Following agent submission guidelines should be a no-brainer when it comes to searching for an agent, right?

“Query-whisperer” Emma Walton Hamilton gives an inside look as to why following submission guidelines are crucial—and how over half of all new authors get it wrong. This episode is your shot to getting it right.

Have you listened to the rest of the 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected series?

Catch up here:

046 – 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 1 – Unoriginal Ideas

047 – 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 2 – Lack of Emotional Resonance

048 – 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 3 – Not Submission Ready

We hope this series has helped you develop stronger submission packages that lead you to picture book success!


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Katie Davis - procrastination and your first 1000 readers

Podcast – 4 Big Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 3

Katie Davis - procrastination and your first 1000 readers

It’s time for the third biggest reason manuscripts get declined by agents and editors and this is a BIG one. Manuscripts are turned down every day for the simple reason that they are just not ready. So, how do you know when your manuscript is ready for publication, therefore ready for an agent’s or editor’s eyes?

Listen now as Katie Davis gives a brief breakdown of all the things to look for in your manuscript to be sure it’s actually ready to be sent out into the world of publishing.

Have you listened to the first two episodes of 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected?

Catch up here:

046 – 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscript Get Rejected Part 1 – Unoriginal Ideas

047 – 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscript Get Rejected Part 2 – Lack of Emotional Resonance

Stay tuned! We wrap up this series with Part 4 in two weeks!


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Podcast – 4 Big Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 2


It’s time for the second biggest reason manuscripts get tossed out by agents and editors. Have you ever heard: “Your story didn’t resonate with me”? Julie Hedlund shares how this type of response maybe indicate a lack of emotional resonance in your story.

Listen in as Julie defines emotional resonance and how to ensure your picture book has it. You’re one more step closer to picture book success with these tips.

Which picture books really resonate? How can you study up on emotional resonance?

Check out the books below!

Dash’s Picture Books Picks for Emotional Resonance

  • The Stuff of Stars by Marion Dane Bauer & Ekua Holmes
  • Bikes for Sale by Carter Higgins & Zachariah Ohora
  • Nine Months: Before a Baby is Born by Miranda Paul & Jason Chin
  • Before She Was Harriet by Lesa Cline-Ransome & James E. Ransome
  • When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree by Jamie L.B. Deenihan & Lorraine Rocha
  • Ogilvy by Deborah Underwood & T.L. McBeth

Did you catch Part 1 of the 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected? Listen here.

Be on the lookout for Part 3 in the next two weeks!


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Laura Backes - Picture Book Summit Podcast

Podcast – 4 Big Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 1

Laura Backes - Picture Book Summit Podcast

With 25 years of experience in the publishing industry as an editor, agent, and teacher Laura Backes covers the first big reason why manuscripts get rejected by agents and editors, and what you can do to avoid it!

Find out how you can stop getting editor feedback that says “This story feels familiar” or “It’s too similar to what’s been done already.” You’ll be one step closer to getting a “yes” after listening to today’s advice.

This is Part 1 in a four-part series. Tune in for our next episode for the second biggest reason manuscripts get rejected!


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Podcast – Lesa Cline-Ransome: Finding Voice in Picture Book Biographies


A good writer tells a story, a great writer brings the reader into the story. That’s what Lesa Cline-Ransome does and in our book, she’s a picture book biography rockstar!

One of the best ways to render that sense of immersion is capturing the authentic voice of your characters—especially when writing picture book biographies. Award-winning author Lesa Cline-Ransome, author of Before She was Harriet and many other iconic titles, shares exactly how to do that with her own method of asking questions of yourself and your characters.

Lesa’s books have received numerous honors and awards including NAACP Awards, Kirkus Best Books, ALA Notable, CBC Choice Awards, two Top 10 Sports Books for Youth, and an Orbis Pictus Recommended Book. She lives in the Hudson Valley region of New York with her husband, and frequent collaborator, James Ransome and their family. Visit her at www.lesaclineransome.com.


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Peter Reynolds on the Picture Book Summit Podcast

Podcast – Peter H. Reynolds – The World Needs YOUR Voice

Peter Reynolds on the Picture Book Summit Podcast

Peter H. Reynolds is on a mission to encourage you to share your authentic voice with the world. Listen in as he helps us see the blank page as an invitation to play. His energy is infectious and we’re confident he’ll inspire you to get creative today and gives you four North Star Questions to get you on your way!

Creativity champion, Peter H. Reynolds, is a NY Times best-selling author & illustrator published in over 25 languages, Peter’s books The Dot, Ish, The Word Collector, and Say Something!, among many others, inspire children and “grown up children” with his messages about authentic learning, creativity, bravery, empathy, and courageous self-expression.

Peter also illustrated the bestselling I am Yoga, I am Peace, I am Human, and The Water Princess with Susan Verde, as well as, the Judy Moody series by Megan McDonald. Peter lives in the Boston area where he founded The Blue Bunny, a family-owned and operated children’s book, toy, & creativity store.

Peter and his twin brother Paul, launched the Reynolds Center for Teaching, Learning, and Creativity (TLC). The center is a not-for-profit organization that encourages creativity and innovation in teaching and learning. More info at: www.reynoldstlc.com


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