Podcast – Fine Tune Your Pitch

Podcast – Fine Tune Your Pitch

Emma Walton Hamilton and Julie Hedlund - Query Letters That WorkedIn this episode, children’s picture book authors Emma Walton Hamilton and Julie Hedlund give an overview of the four essential components of a query (introduction, pitch, bio and market info, and conclusion).

Then they dig deep into crafting the ever-elusive perfect pitch. Listen in for tips on creating a pitch that captures the story and spirit of your book and piques an agent or editor’s interest. If you’re in the querying trenches, this one’s for you!



Listen here:

You’ve finished your manuscript and now you need to find an agent or publishing house. Demystify the process of research, drafting that all important query letter, and hitting the send button with Emma Walton Hamilton’s SUBMISSION SAVVY presentation.

The full Submission Savvy presentation includes a 45-minute video chock full of tips for making your next submission sing! Plus, you’ll receive a guide for formatting submissions, the slides from the presentation, and a list of resources to help you craft your next query.

Let Emma’s experience as an editor help you write a query that gets noticed! Get Submission Savvy on the Picture Book Summit Teachable site:


Click here!

Kelli Panique

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