We Are Not Alone: Editors Panel

We Are Not Alone: Editors Panel

Just like many industries, the pandemic changed children’s publishing. How do these changes effect you as a picture book creator? We have three stellar Featured Editors coming to The Write Stuff: Creating Picture Books That are Out of This World on October 8, 2022 to fill you in. Let’s uncover a bit more about this trio of editors.

We Are Not Alone: Editors PanelPBSummit Editors Panel

Three children’s editors talk about new frontiers emerging post-pandemic and answer YOUR burning questions. Emily Feinberg from Roaring Brook, Emma Ledbetter from Abrams Kids, and Jess Harold from Henry Holt discuss how they help authors and illustrators make the giant leap from manuscript to published book in this pre-recorded editors panel.

Let’s get to know this year’s editors:

Editor - Emily Feinberg Picture Book Summit 2022Get to know Emily Feinberg:

After earning her master’s degrees in Children’s Literature and English Literature from Simmons College in Boston, Emily Feinberg joined the editorial team at Roaring Brook Press. Emily works mostly with picture book and nonfiction titles. She edited Elisha Cooper’s Caldecott Honor book Big Cat, Little Cat as well as Lily Williams’ If Sharks Disappeared, and Maria Gianferrari’s Hawk Rising, illustrated by Brian Floca.


Editor - Emma Ledbetter - Picture Book Summit 2022Get to know Emma Ledbetter:
Emma Ledbetter is Editorial Director of Picture Books at Abrams Books for Young Readers. She joined Abrams in 2018 following eight years at Simon & Schuster, and some other things before that, including a particularly delightful summer interning on SpongeBob SquarePants at Nickelodeon. She has worked with award-winning and bestselling authors and illustrators such as Tomie dePaola, Christian Robinson, Julie Fogliano, Loren Long, Jillian Tamaki, LeUyen Pham, Isabelle Arsenault, and Molly Idle, and is honored to have edited many acclaimed picture books including Christian Robinson’s author-illustrator debut, Another; Sergio Ruzzier’s wonderfully offbeat Good Boy; and Ida, Always by Caron Levis and Charles Santoso, which The New York Times called “an example of children’s books at their best.” She looks for a wide range of fresh, insightful, diverse picture books, and is especially fond of Edward Gorey, Ruth Krauss, and Frances the Badger.


Editor - Jess Harold - Picture Book Summit 2022Get to know Jess Harold:
Jess Harold is an editor of children’s books with a passion for stories that reflect the world for kids of all experiences. She’s worked with some truly incredible authors including Angeline Boulley, Kacen Callender, and Joanna Ho. Jess began her career in marketing at Simon & Schuster Children’s before moving to editorial at Scholastic. Now an Editor at Henry Holt BYR, she is eager to find more contemporary stories that center identity and its many intersections in the hopes of creating building blocks for a better world.


Plus, each of these Featured Editors are part of this year’s pitch submission opportunities with the Summit + Submissions ticket!

Attendees who purchase the Summit + Submissions ticket will have the opportunity to pitch a manuscript to each Featured Agent and Featured Editor. They will each have their own submission form. That means you will be able to tailor your pitch to each individual agent or editor according to what they are seeking in submissions.

For example, you could submit the same pitch to every agent and editor, a different pitch for a different manuscript to each agent and editor, or anything in between. No matter what, you’ll have six opportunities to pitch YOUR project(s) to these industry professionals.

At this time, none of these editors are accepting unsolicited submissions from unagented writers, so this is an excellent opportunity to get your pitch in front of these three powerhouse editors!


The Write Stuff:

Creating Picture Books That Are Out of This World

October 8, 2022

Picture Book Summit 2022 - ALL RECTANGLE

Pick the ticket that’s right for you and reserve your spot today!

Kelli Panique

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