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Read-Aloudability Part 3 with Emma Walton Hamilton

Podcast – Read-Aloudability – Part 3

Read-Aloudability Part 3 with Emma Walton Hamilton

It’s time for part 3 of Read-aloudability: The Measure of a Great Picture Book. If you missed our last two episodes, you can listen to those here and here. Our first two installments reveals ways to improve read-aloudability on a story level. In our final installment, Emma Walton Hamilton shares why picture book authors, screenwriters, and playwrights have a lot in common.

With tips to make your (often adult) reader feel like a rockstar, Emma shares how to make your manuscript reader-proof.

Listen here:


Listen to the other episodes in this series here:


Read-Aloudability Part 2 with Julie Hedlund

Podcast – Read-Aloudability – Part 2

Read-Aloudability Part 2 with Julie Hedlund

Read-Aloudability: The Measure of a Great Picture Book 2 is here for your listening pleasure. If you missed our last episode, be sure to listen soon. In part one, Emma Walton Hamilton defines “Read-Aloudability” and Katie shares one juicy technique you can use make your book fun to read.

It seems nothing is more fun to read aloud than lyrical or rhyming picture books. When rhyming is done well, it seems like it must be so easy to write. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Our own Rhymer Extraordinaire Julie Hedlund gives examples of what good rhyme and lyrical writing actually is, what makes it work, and how to write it yourself.

This is the second of a three-part series. Did you miss an episode? Catch up at the links below!

Listen here:


Listen to the other episodes in this series here:



Voice Matters

How to Infuse Your Pitch with Your Story’s Unique Style

Your pitch is more than just a summary of your story—it’s a reflection of your narrative voice. Infusing your pitch with your story’s unique style is the key to making it stand out to agents and editors.

The Importance of Voice: Voice is the personality of your writing. It’s what makes your story unique and memorable. When crafting your pitch, try to capture the same tone and style that you use in your manuscript.

Tips for Finding Your Pitch Voice:


Read-Aloudability in Picture Books Part 1

Podcast – Read-Aloudability – Part 1

Read-Aloudability in Picture Books Part 1

Read-aloudability is essential to writing picture books. Picture books are a truly unique genre of literature. Other books CAN be read aloud, but picture books are ENGINEERED exactly for that precise purpose. That’s why read-aloudability is so important.

In this episode, Emma Walton Hamilton defines exactly what read-aloudability is and how important it is in picture books (HINT: it can sway the submission process), while Katie Davis illustrates one impactful way to factor that secret sauce into your writing.

This is the first of a three-part series all about read-aloudability and how it can be your ticket to getting published. Stay tuned!


Listen here:


Listen to the next episodes in this series here:


059 PBSummit Podcast Julie Hedlund

Podcast – Books with Great Voice Part 4

Picture-Book-Summit-Podcast_feature_image_Julie-HedlundIt’s the final installment (for now!) in our discussion of Picture Books with Great Voice! If you haven’t heard the rest of this series, be sure to catch up at the links below:

  • Episode 56 – Julie Hedlund outlined types of voice in picture books and Katie Davis gave us a laugh with books showcasing humorous voice.
  • Episode 57 – Laura Backes revealed picture books that use lyrical voice
  • Episode 58 – Emma Walton Hamilton dove into defining character voice.

Today in part 4, Julie gets chatty while talking about conversational voice in picture books.

Get ready to feel connected to some beautifully written picture books!

Books mentioned in this episode:


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PBSummit Podcast Emma Walton Hamilton

Podcast – Books with Great Voice Part 3


There are so many more picture books with great voice! We started the Books with Great Voice series in episode 56, where Julie Hedlund defined the types of voice found in picture books and Katie Davis made us laugh while discussing the funny style of voice. In episode 57, Founder Emeritus Laura Backes read examples of picture books that use a lyrical voice.

In part 3 of our series, author and Picture Book Summit Founder Emma Walton Hamilton digs into character voice: how to recognize it, distinguish it from other types of writing voice, and how to utilize it in your own work. Emma picked some stellar books to read and share. You’re going to love this one!

Books mentioned in this episode:

Listen here:


PBSummit Podcast Laura Backes

Podcast – Books with Great Voice Part 2

Laura Backes - Picture Book Summit Podcast

In this episode, we continue to discuss voice in picture books. We started this series in the last episode where Julie Hedlund defined the types of voice found in picture books and Katie Davis gave us hilarious examples of the funny style of voice. If you haven’t already, be sure to go back and listen to episode 56 for help pinning down the elusive meaning of “voice.”

Today, we bring you Founder Emeritus Laura Backes and examples of using a lyrical voice in picture books to reinforce certain types of stories.

Let’s jump in.

Books mentioned in this episode:

  • GIANT SQUID* written by Candace Fleming and illustrated by Eric Rohman
  • WHEN YOU ARE BRAVE* written by Pat Zeitlow Miller and illustrated by Eliza Wheeler

Listen here:

PBSummit Podcast Julie Hedlund and Katie Davis

Podcast – Books with Great Voice Part 1

Julie Hedlund and Katie Davis Podcast

In working with authors, one thing comes up again and again is how to develop “voice.” How do you find your characters’ voice? Is your story’s voice the same as the character voice? And, how do you find your own voice as an author?

As you can see, voice is tough to define and even tougher to capture, so we’re bringing you excerpts from a Mini Summit we gave about books with great voice. This is part 1 of a four-part series. We start with Co-Founder Julie Hedlund defining the types of voices found in picture books and jump to funny girl and Co-Founder Katie Davis for thoughts and examples on using a funny voice.


Books mentioned in this episode:

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Podcast – 4 Big Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 2


It’s time for the second biggest reason manuscripts get tossed out by agents and editors. Have you ever heard: “Your story didn’t resonate with me”? Julie Hedlund shares how this type of response maybe indicate a lack of emotional resonance in your story.

Listen in as Julie defines emotional resonance and how to ensure your picture book has it. You’re one more step closer to picture book success with these tips.

Which picture books really resonate? How can you study up on emotional resonance?

Check out the books below!

Dash’s Picture Books Picks for Emotional Resonance

  • The Stuff of Stars by Marion Dane Bauer & Ekua Holmes
  • Bikes for Sale by Carter Higgins & Zachariah Ohora
  • Nine Months: Before a Baby is Born by Miranda Paul & Jason Chin
  • Before She Was Harriet by Lesa Cline-Ransome & James E. Ransome
  • When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree by Jamie L.B. Deenihan & Lorraine Rocha
  • Ogilvy by Deborah Underwood & T.L. McBeth

Did you catch Part 1 of the 4 Biggest Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected? Listen here.

Be on the lookout for Part 3 in the next two weeks!


Listen here:


Laura Backes - Picture Book Summit Podcast

Podcast – 4 Big Reasons Manuscripts Get Rejected Part 1

Laura Backes - Picture Book Summit Podcast

With 25 years of experience in the publishing industry as an editor, agent, and teacher Laura Backes covers the first big reason why manuscripts get rejected by agents and editors, and what you can do to avoid it!

Find out how you can stop getting editor feedback that says “This story feels familiar” or “It’s too similar to what’s been done already.” You’ll be one step closer to getting a “yes” after listening to today’s advice.

This is Part 1 in a four-part series. Tune in for our next episode for the second biggest reason manuscripts get rejected!


Listen here: