Celebrity Tag

Celebrity Picture Books

Podcast – Celebrity Picture Books

Celebrity Picture BooksWe tackle the touchy topic of celebrity picture books in today’s Picture Book Summit Roundtable discussion,

So, what’s the truth about celebrity picture books? Do celebrities get to cut the line when it comes to publishing? Are they held to a lower standard than lesser-known writers? Is it the celebrity’s fault or the editor’s fault when a celebrity picture book is poorly written? Do they help or hurt the industry?

We have the opportunity to hear what it’s like to be and/or work with a celebrity author as Emma Walton Hamilton shares her experience of writing with her mother, actress Julie Andrews. You might be surprised what it’s like on the flip side of the celebrity book coin.

Then we discuss the frustrations that come when hard-working picture book authors see yet another celebrity picture book author making their way to bookshelves and soaking up all the publicity dollars of their publisher.

There’s lots to say on both sides of the great celebrity picture book debate. Let’s jump right in!

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