Podcast – Read-Aloudability – Part 2

Podcast – Read-Aloudability – Part 2

Read-Aloudability Part 2 with Julie Hedlund

Read-Aloudability: The Measure of a Great Picture Book 2 is here for your listening pleasure. If you missed our last episode, be sure to listen soon. In part one, Emma Walton Hamilton defines “Read-Aloudability” and Katie shares one juicy technique you can use make your book fun to read.

It seems nothing is more fun to read aloud than lyrical or rhyming picture books. When rhyming is done well, it seems like it must be so easy to write. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Our own Rhymer Extraordinaire Julie Hedlund gives examples of what good rhyme and lyrical writing actually is, what makes it work, and how to write it yourself.

This is the second of a three-part series. Did you miss an episode? Catch up at the links below!

Listen here:


Listen to the other episodes in this series here:

Ready to dig even deeper into rhyme? Learn the top crimes of rhyme and how to avoid habits that make your verse worse. Plus “must-have” tips and resources on rhyming.

Julie Hedlund - The Verse Curse

This workshop contains a 45-minute video with Julie Hedlund showing you how to spot bad rhyme and tips for fixing it. Julie unravels the mystery of meter and scansion in an easy to understand way with examples you will come back to again and again.This workshop also includes additional recorded 60-minute Q&A session and a 26-minute video dedicated to helping you understand scansion. If you write in rhyme, or aspire to, grab this workshop before submitting your work anywhere.

Listen to Julie and avoid the Verse Curse!

Click here!

*Picture Book Summit may receive a small commission at no cost to you when books are purchased through the link above.

Kelli Panique

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